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AdminCC - Bring your Admin Panel to life.

Thank you for purchasing our template. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email at

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Brief Overview

AdminCC is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and admin panels. It’s responsive HTML template, which is based on the Bootstrap 4X framework. It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications.

AdminCC is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customised and built upon any backend project in no-time. Our documentation will guide you through installing the template and exploring the various components that are bundled with the template.


  1. Bootstrap 4.1.1
  2. Latest jquery v3.3.1
  3. 10 Unique Color Scheme
  4. 2 Dashboard Version
  5. Built in SASS
  6. JS Bundling Ready (Bundle)
  7. Material Kit added
  8. Invoice
  9. Inbox Full App
  10. Blog full section with Dashboard
  11. Ready to used widgets
  12. User Profile Page
  13. Chat App
  14. Timeline
  15. Calendar integration
  16. Jquery DataTables
  17. Editable Tables
  18. Responsive Tables
  19. File Upload
  20. Form Wizard
  21. Form Validation
  22. Advanced Form Elements
  23. Animations
  24. Sortable & Nestable
  25. Sweet Alert Dialog
  26. Image Gallery
  27. 3000+ Icons
  28. Fully Responsive & Interactive
  29. Elegant & Clean User Interface
  30. Expanded and Collapsed Menu (Multi Menu Levels)
  31. IOS type Switches
  32. Messenger Notifications
  33. Grid Based System
  34. login, lock screen, 404, 500 Error Pages
  35. 60+ Pages
  36. Detailed Documentation
  37. Works well in all latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE11+


The template consist of following components as show in image below:

  1. User Profile
  2. Main Left Menubar
  3. Search, Notification, Log out, and Right menu setting sortcute
  4. Material Design Fix sortcut menu

HTML Structre

Page Head

Grunt File & Installation The JavaScript Task Runner.

Installing Grunt: Run npm install grunt --save-dev command from your teminal to install grunt within your project.

Grunt Sass: Run grunt sass command from your project directory. It will compile SASS to CSS for the project. This will read the file `assets/scss/filename.scss` and output a plain-css file to `/assets/css/filename.css`.

Grunt JSHint: Run grunt jshint command from your project directory. It will checks all *.js files under `assetsjs/filename` for common syntax or coding errors using the JSHint utility.

Grunt Sprite: Run grunt sprite command from your project directory.

Further help: To get more help on the grunt checkout Grunt

Note: However, any SASS code you write must be able compile via Grunt as well.It will generate pre-compiled javascript templates. Reads all the *.html files from `assets/js/filename` and outputs `assets/js/filename.templates.js`. Template.js will contains code of UI design and will be change each time you build solution through above command.

Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file.

Main Content

    <!-- START CONTENT -->
    <section id="main-content" class=" ">
        <section class="wrapper">

        <div class='col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12'>
            <div class="page-title">
        <div class="clearfix"></div>
        <div class="col-lg-12">
            <section class="box ">

    <!-- END CONTENT -->

Folder Structure

├── assets/
   ├── bundles/
   ├── css/
   ├── fonts/
   ├── images/
   ├── js/
   ├── ├── Page/              
   ├── plugins/
   ├── sass/

CSS Structure

main.css is the main CSS file located in assets/css/ folder of the package. Whole CSS file is well indexed with topic and its related code.

Also animate.min.css file is found in this folder. It has all the animation classes for various elements.


AdminCC admin.js is the mail javascript file having all the js code. File is located in assets/js/ folder. This file code is also well formatted and section in different respective function names.

Along with this chart library based js code and dashboard based js code are added in separate files for ease of use of user.

Font Used

Google fonts are used in the template. They are as follows: Work Sans

Material Design Iconic Font: Click to See

All Images are used:


Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this template. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template.